The First Kyrie/Leo Litter!

The First Kyrie/Leo Litter!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Kyrie/Leo Pups at 4 Weeks!

This week the pups got a whirlwind of experience! New noises, sudden loud popping and banging, a cardboard tunnel to crawl through, new toys, a start on paper-training (the beginning of housebreaking), expanding their roaming area to both whelping box and weaning pen, exploring some of the rest of the house, and meeting our other dogs--including Daddy Leo, above! Leo loves the pups. :)

They also got their first BATH!

They were pretty good, except for Ajax, who complained loudly. Afterwards they got to snuggle in the drying-off towels for a bit. :)

At four weeks, Ajax was 6 pounds, 14.5 ounces! Not bad little guy! Here's your Ajax gallery for the week:

Andros at four weeks weighs in at a whopping 9 POUNDS 15 OUNCES--only one ounce under ten pounds! Holy moly, Andros!

Astra at four weeks weighed in at nine pounds, five ounces!

Thanks for looking, everybody!!

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